

This Xmas - a wedding, a funeral and lots of TVs

12.23: Attended a wedding with cheesy video, food was decent and company was...*speechless*

12.24: Went to Causeway Bay and had a short shopping trip. Got a travel bag - think I've lost count on the number of Christmas gifts I bought myself! Watched few episodes of Desperate Housewives and Lost Season 2 sent from the states (thanks to TiVo). DH2 was funny while Lost is just Lost. Also watched the finale of Survivor on TV. Not bad the season.

12.25: First day of intensive TV watching with Gilmore Girls Season 3 DVDs. Finished 3 disks with 4 episodes each. Still get me hooked since I watched the first 2 seasons years ago in Perth.

12.26: Intensive TV watching continued with Nip/Tuck Season 2 DVDs up to episode 10 and it's getting ridiculous I think.

12.27: First day of funeral, a Taoist funeral for a family's friend. I volunteered to help out at the reception and missed the ceremony with flying fireballs inside the hall. Sounds bad to say but I would enjoy seeing all these over the top fancy ceremonies.

12.28: 2nd day of funeral incl a simple ceremony and followed by cremation and a vegetarian lunch. Hurried back to work and found nothing to do.

12.29 Still working...and planning to finish both Gilmore Girls and Nip/Tuck in the new year long weekend!

4 comment(s):

I see you have been very busy with all the TV viewing. Hard work!

Best wishes for the season and new year.
sunny (from sunny perth, actually sydney)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 30/12/05 07:50  

Hmm... meanwhile I watched 24 and LOST. BTW, my friend watched nip/tuck before and her comment was confused with all these relationships between all the doctors ... :-)

By Blogger Xavier, at 3/1/06 23:55  

hi sunny, nice to hear from u. hope u & mei had a great holiday and happy new year!

By Blogger Clara, at 4/1/06 12:35  

看完所有的dvd了, nip/tuck都係第一集好睇D。

By Blogger Clara, at 4/1/06 12:40  

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