posted at 4:08 PM
Is it a good movie? :-)-x
By Xavier, at 11/3/05 16:51
Its definitely worth seeing...twice!
By Clara, at 13/3/05 15:56
What's good about it?
By Stannum, at 13/3/05 19:14
1st time: its a feel good movie, the epic feel, the color, the beautiful faces, the love, the twist...2nd time: appreciate it even more with the understanding of the plots and the interesting connections between each charactersee it and feel it for yourself!
By Clara, at 13/3/05 23:21
噢, 香港三月尾先有得做。
By Xavier, at 19/3/05 18:03
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5 comment(s):
Is it a good movie? :-)
Xavier, at
11/3/05 16:51
Its definitely worth seeing...twice!
Clara, at
13/3/05 15:56
What's good about it?
Stannum, at
13/3/05 19:14
1st time: its a feel good movie, the epic feel, the color, the beautiful faces, the love, the twist...
2nd time: appreciate it even more with the understanding of the plots and the interesting connections between each character
see it and feel it for yourself!
Clara, at
13/3/05 23:21
噢, 香港三月尾先有得做。
Xavier, at
19/3/05 18:03
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