Sty Eye
"A sty is a pimple or abscess on the upper or lower edge of the eyelid that signals an infected eyelid gland. An external sty starts as a pimple next to an eyelash. It turns into a red, painful swelling that usually lasts several days before it bursts and then heals."係咪我"gup"得野多,所以生眼挑針呀?
7 comment(s):
By tungpo, at 9/10/04 21:33
M 姐, 少 D 食 M 記啦....
By eason, at 9/10/04 21:55
heaty? oh really?
Haven't been to Mackers for a while now...
By Clara, at 10/10/04 10:09
By 矮肥鈍, at 10/10/04 13:05
Ate half a bowl of herbal jelly tonight...bitter!!!! :p
By Clara, at 10/10/04 22:37
By tungpo, at 10/10/04 23:17
By Clara, at 11/10/04 09:55
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